I am trying (to understand). In the process, I hope to share my experiences on this platform... When I write, I need to self-talk, read, re-read, (re-write)... Then I find gaps, my mis-understandings, errors both in my writing as well as in behavior. And I get lessons on what I need to learn/improve. Then I try. I fail. I re-try. I fail. Did I? No, because I tried again. This is my way of life to lead myself: Personally and Professionally. Checkout my other blogs and work at http://www.worldOFkaizen.com/

Sunday, 11 November 2012

Eternally Happy

The Journey: Wants-to-Needs! Extrinsic-to-Intrinsic !!

Happiness is the desire, that makes you-n-me wild
From a new born child to grand-grand parents of the child.

Cries the child, 'cause it feels hungry.
Sooner gets fed, faster it feels happy.
Attention-defied grandpa feels sad-n-sundry.
Surplus attention makes both happy.

Either-or, happiness is dependent-n-external.
Isn't then dis-continuity in happiness surely eternal?

Child feels happy on getting it's needs.
Minimalistic n short-term being it's deeds.

With age, smaller 'needs' become 'wants': Bigger desires.
And then bigger-n-yet-bigger desires.

Child needs shelter, man wants house.
Then 'wants' smarter-n-bigger house.
Fancier-n-bigger car.
'Wants' to move around-near-n-far.

Then ... S/he-n-her-Wan(t)s.. 
Polluting Self-n-the-Planet On-n-On-n-On.
One day brings maturity, the dusky-silky-Dawn.

That "surely missing 'something' more, you-silly-pawn"
Even after taking 'Bigger-n-more, N-more, N-more' by-the-horn.

Realisation that 'bigger-n-more' was the need of In-secure-pawn'.
Thinking it lasts 'longer', N-hence-feeling more 'Secure-Don'.

Hey.. tell-me!

Can anyone answer ...?
How much 'more-n-bigger'
Will make one more sure-n-secure;
N-secure.. N-secure.. how much longer?

He knows? She knows?? No-one knows!
At most it's finite that everyone knows!!!

Amassing so-called-secure bunker-houses,

With 'suicide-bomb' army around, that keenly browses,
Oh-no; useless turned out his colossal material wealth,
Drones that still overnight knocked him down-to-death.

Alas! The Death of so-call('d) Wealth!

Material wealth can't go beyon(d) the Cycle of Supreme: The GOD!
Thou are Greath! Generation-Operation-Destruction!! Oh My GOD!!!

The Journey: Body-to-Mind-to-Soul ! Happiness-to-Bliss !! 

Material-Wealth to Holistic-Health of The-Soul, 
Want-of Visible-Body to Need-of The-Subtle-Invisible-Soul,
In Earth-Water-Fire-Air-Aether as the complete 'Whole',
No one except the Subtler-Supreme really,
Has 'That' quality of 'Being There' eternally.

Faster-n-earlier realises this Someone, 
'Luckier-n-happier' pawn is s/he the One!

Moving from complexity-to-simplicity in-the-pan I (Aa-y)
Too small-n-complex; Me, An Idiot-Fr....ay..y,
Trying to be the luckier one
by Deep-Diving-take on this difficult-one!

Serving with dedication the Karma I undertake.
Y'day say for a new array's sake
So that two frames same hook can take. 

Next finishing a-deed a-day earlier, 
Making the-served-one* a little more happier.

N-yet next, arranging a desk neater-n-cleaner
Making life of my dear (wife) a bit (duller?) merrier-n-simpler.

At No extra Wealth, No-Money!

Only some Creative Fun-filled Efforts Honey!!
Smaller-n-surer the doses..
Faster-n-easier the journey crosses..
Meditative-n-Blissful 'Inside' it poises! 

Still unsatisfied? That's a quick self-test Buddy:
It tells, may be you are Moody.
Be patient in this meditative journey you Goodie
Go Steady! N-steady!! N-steady!!!
(*My Customer, My Stakeholders)

Also read a few relevant blogposts hereunder: Please do consider leaving a comment or sharing this post.

No Time? Micro-Meditate 
Overworked? Tension? CPU of the mind hung-up
Do you exercise your choice meaningfully 
IQ-EQ-or-SQ: What-is-more-important
Eternally Happy
In-a-problem? No-problem! Dwell-a-while
I am afraid ! What do I do !! 
Take Habits For A Ride 
Do You Celebrate Mean-or-Green 
Big-Be Or Bug-Be ! 
Raam or Krishna-Shyam: Tell me Hey Raam! 
Are You Good If Others Are Bad?  
Want Need-Or-Want 
How To Make A Difference 
Love is Care.. Care is Love !  
Deity is in the eyes of the beholder 
Success-or-failure! What-do-you-like?
Ball-Basin-Team Combine !  Maketh The Smile Divine !! 


  1. Really good start to poetry!! Well thought out with a deep meaning!! Nice artwork as well....

  2. Loved all of them! Great poetry = great reading :)
