Today is the Day-of-Music!
Couple of months ago, in response to one of the worst draughts of the decade this year there was a cry for playing "Dry-Holi" to save water. Fearing that the movement may not last beyond the Holi-day, soon resuming wasteful Wet-Days rest of the days of the year, I published a blogpost titled "Don't Save Water on Holi-day".
Actually saving water is not a day's affair. It's a daily-cause. It's not a local or a national affair but a global-cause.
One doesn't have any right to waste anything. At least no right to waste what s/he can't produce. That doesn't mean that s/he grants herself license to waste what s/he can produce. It's about the value system more than arresting and preventing wastage itself.
Like Save-Water-Days, there is a western-fashion of celebrating many 'Days': Father's-Day, Mother's-Day, Earth-Day, and so on, for-a-day and then forget the 'Days' as well as the cause behind it for rest part of the year.
I hope to dig into whether there are Watchman-Day, Servant-Day, Lift-Day, Door-Day, Window-Day, Man-Day, Day's-Day, and so on. If intention behind celebrating such days is good, why are we far from performing those intentions as daily-habits, as daily-actions?
That's perhaps because the dictionary 'says', celebrations are celebrations: formal performances by the proponents and celebrities rather than they themselves living those values. 'Naturally' celebrations do not last beyond the day of such 'causes'. For the followers of the celebrities, it's a precedence of not imbibing those values in their daily lives. The 'day' then goes on record as nothing but an entertainment day.
What's the actionable then?
Let the good intention of celebrating such Days stay in it's place. The Days do provide focus to those who get inadvertently de-focussed rest of the days.
Others on these Days get an opportunity to reinforce their sincere efforts to live the values behind the days daily. So let's act and then spread the message to our near-dear ones. Here is my 'poor'-poem that gives me happiness in lighting a little candle in doing so as a trail for the Day-of-Music:
For All, it's the Day-of-Music
For Some, the Way-of-Life is-Music
Wherever they go they breathe Music
Like for Birds, Chirping-Daily-is-Music
For poets, rhyming lines is Music
For an artist, producing art is Music
For a mathematician, numbers is Music
And for Sun-God, Shining-Daily-is-Music
The Universe... The Universe...
tired in rhythmic beats is Music
God-Bless-All to sing ||..OMmm..||
I hope to leave trails for other such 'Days' too without the fear of whether the poor-poems turn into poor-jokes: P-PJ: Poor-Poem-Jokes!
Also read a few relevant blogposts hereunder:
Poverty-to-Power of Poetry
Do you exercise your choice meaningfully
Do You Celebrate Mean-or-Green
How To Make A Difference
Big-Be Or Bug-Be !
Ridiculous Poison-culture versus Maverick Kaizen-culture
Strategise To Achieve Targets Daily
Wish To Be Planet-Friendly?: Save!
Waste-to-eat Sea-to-drink
Don't Save Water on Holi-day
Be Shame-less Or Water-less
Prevention: The Best Cure! ... Is it really so?
Treat Root-causes, Not Symptoms !
You seem Reasonable if you appear Un-reasonable
When Safety Becomes Sorry
How Many Times Do You Wash Hands
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